April 5th & 6th, 9:30am - 1:30pm AEST
You were BORN with innate healing capabilities.
Your BODY knows what to do you heal itself.
It’s time to awaken your SPIRIT, heal your body and live your best life.
Join Melinda Warnecke a certified Energy Codes Facilitator for a virtual two-day workshop where you will:
Discover how to anchor and integrate healing energies within you.
Learn powerful techniques to activate different systems of the body for ultimate energy flow.
Tap the intuitive mind.
Learn to tap the frequencies shared in the healing domain to dissolve discordant interferences in the energy field.
Tangibly enhance the frequencies of love from the inside out, influencing the biofield for comprehensive and holistic integration
Enrol today and you'll also get access to a deep meditation to awaken you to more of your own higher levels of consciousness!
The Energy Codes® are a set of principles and practices you can use in your daily experience to awaken and activate the authentic self and realize deeper states of awareness, vitality, and well-being.
You’ll learn to overcome fear and navigate challenging emotions.
You’ll feel more deeply connected to the people around you, as you naturally begin to exude a loving presence.
You’ll begin to master your experience of life. You’ll awaken to your true life purpose.
The teachings and techniques of the Energy Codes® reveal and unlock your capacity to move beyond “healing what is broken,” or “releasing what is no longer wanted” to a new perspective that transforms everything in your life into undeniable evidence that you are a profoundly powerful creator.
Based in Quantum and Traditional Science, ancient wisdom and woven with contemporary thought, this work makes clear sense of the formerly mysterious and often elusive applications into everyday life, and the benefits of our cutting edge discoveries in health and science today.
This isn’t about operating at the level of thought. Instead, Melinda supports her students in creating felt, experiential shifts that transform their relationship to life from the inside out.
During this time of ongoing change and uncertainty in the world around us, focusing on our health and vitality is more important than ever.
In Melinda’s upcoming 2 Day Workshop Facilitating Dr Sue’s "The Energy Codes : The 7 Step System to Awaken Your Spirit" you’ll learn the necessary energy medicine techniques to administer and promote powerful healing for yourself.
The techniques and tools learned during this online event will not only support personal healing on every level (mental, emotional, and physical), they’ll also help you better understand the science behind energy medicine and how powerful and potent you REALLY ARE!!!
Register for The Energy Codes 2-Day Workshop Today
April 5th (Saturday) & 6th (Sunday) from 9.30am-1.30pm
Desire personal healing and re-establish vitality and energy flow
Looking for healing techniques to support your own journey as an conscious entrepreneur
A life-coach, health-coach, counsellor, or therapist looking to incorporate Energy Medicine techniques into your offerings
Does it feel like something is missing from your life?
The Simple Truth to Creating a Life You Love: The Energy Codes® Training: The 7 Step System to Awaken your Spirit.
Dr. Sue Morter, Founder, Morter Institute
The body is electromagnetic in nature. Both electrical fields and magnetic fields affect it. Bio-Energetic work utilizes one or both of these types of energy for healing purposes. This work is done with hands only when applied by a practitioner, and does not require the use of instruments of any kind. When used as a self-healing technique, breath work and mental focus training are used to remove blockages from the nervous system and subconscious memory storage. The mind is trained to focus on the affect of stored interference and dissolve it with the use of a variety of energetic bandwidths and conscious breathing exercises.
Bio-Energetic treatment creates a natural balancing of nerve function and communication between the Conscious and Subconscious divisions of the Central Nervous System.
It addresses the cause instead of the symptoms exhibited in the individual. Bio-Energetics allows for the body to return to its natural state of health.
It is a gentle, painless, non-force methodology of promoting wellness.
Self-Healing Breath Work and Mental Focus benefits are seen to include a regular shift in disposition in the individual toward a self-empowered life experience.
These self-administered practices can be learned in the Two-Day Energy Codes Workshop facilitated by Melinda.
This workshop is rooted in both quantum science and spiritual wisdom, giving you a comprehensive understanding of how the energy around and within you creates your reality.
You’ll walk away with practical tools, backed by scientific principles, to elevate your frequency and create a life that feels aligned with your soul’s deepest desires.
Wake Each Day with A Newfound Sense of Purpose: No more feeling lost or stuck. Leave the daily grind behind to embrace a life filled with passion, joy, and clear direction.
Become a Powerful Manifestor: Raise your vibration to attract exactly what you desire, whether it's fulfilling relationships, financial abundance, or inner peace.
Live as the Soulful Self: Experience true freedom as you release the expectations of others and follow the path that aligns with your highest self.
Create a Life of Abundance: Visualize and truly believe in the life you want—then watch it become your reality.
Radiate Unconditional Self-Love: Embrace radical self-love that raises your frequency and magnetizes the life you're meant to live.
International speaker, Master Healer and Energetics Business Coach, Melinda is known for her deep alignment between the spiritual and strategic aspects of her work.
Melinda's experience and learnings have paved the way for her to facilitate deep healing & transformational change within her clients. She is a Master Healer with her own unique channelled healing modality, a spiritual breakthrough which reconnects the womb and heart for portal activation – a deeply potent experience!
Melinda is a certified Energy Codes Facilitator and teaches unique techniques to activate untapped energy and neurocircuitry in the body, empower hidden potential, and become one’s true, essential self.
She is the founder and creator of the Saguein Portal Activation and programs like The Infinite Coach, Wealth Codes Activation, a multi-level body of work on Business and Spiritual Development and her new program ILLUMINATION - a 6 month container to learn to Awaken the Healer Within. She has served on not for profit boards, providing guidance to marketing and fundraising teams.
Melinda is a Master NLP Practitioner, Master Healer and Business & Energetics Coach for women.
Melinda naturally integrates high-level business tactics with a strong focus on energetics and personal transformation, which means she has a unique ability to bridge the gap between practicality and intuition. Through her courses, trainings, retreats and presentations she illuminates the relationships of quantum thoughts, business acumen and energy medicine; to help heal the planet, one life at a time.
Given her experience working alongside world-renowned professors, great scientists, philanthropists and sector leaders, Melinda’s knowledge and experience is near unmatched
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Site: www.liminalmindsetcoaching.com.au
Email: [email protected]
Call +61 455 651 126
Office: Melbourne, Australia